If a correction is needed, our journals should follow these minimum standards:
1. our journals should publish a correction notice as soon as possible detailing the changes and quoting the original publication; the correction should be on an electronic or numbered print page included in an electronic or printed table of contents to ensure proper indexing. 
2. our journals should publish a new version of the article with details of the changes from the original version and the date (s) the changes were made. 

3. our journals should archive all previous versions of the article. 
This archive can be directly accessible to readers or can be made available to the reader upon request. 
Older electronic versions should clearly note that there are newer versions of the article. The quote should be the latest version. 

Pervasive errors can result from a coding problem or a miscalculation and can cause large inaccuracies throughout an article. If such errors do not change the direction or significance of the findings, interpretations and conclusions of the article, a correction that follows the minimum standards indicated above should be published. 

Mistakes serious enough to invalidate the findings and conclusions of an article may require retraction.